Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Uncertain science dogs climate debate.

This 'uncertain science' doesn't 'dog' the blindly impassioned 'clean, green, sustainability' desecrators of the clean green skyline ... mind you. This is in Palmerston North, and well it has always been sort of dank, windswept, at times so bitterly cold and uninviting ... so perhaps, huge 35m long blades as they whoosh majestically whilst harnessing wind power ( add a sort of something, perhaps interest, to the place.
Additionally, there seems something perseverative and proper about acting upon uncertain science on climate predictions resulting in uncertainty of power supply ... "Energy strategy risks power shortages" ( and "Power prices will rise, simply because new sources of supply, of all kinds, are more expensive than the old sources" (former Electricity Commission chairman Roy Hemmingway).
But none of this in this little refuge in the Coromandel though, clean green and uncluttered natural skyline.
To me these generated generating blots on the landscape will always be a tribute to Jeanette and her green cohorts - unfortunately though green will not represent notions of conservation, environmental protection or sustainability but naive, simplistic, poorly founded, albeit well -intentioned, desecration of what many hold or held to be precious ... even apparently some of them ... but I guess it is just Palmerston North and other windswept inclement parts of New Zealand after all, those parts that give a feeling of beauty, of expanse, of contrast with urban clutter ... and it is all, in all probability, unnecessary.


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

mojo said...

Oh yes.