Saturday, April 19, 2008

The sex divide

Now the only trouble with this is that localisation of brain function has not been absolutely established i.e. stimulate one part of the brain and get one sensation, stimulate the same part again and get a different sensation ... and then there are those with hardly any brain at all that function pretty well, like university degrees ... and brain imaging can only ever be correlated with behaviour. I don't know of anyone who has managed such imaging in real (in vivo) life, 'on the hoof,' so to speak.

Sooo, reduce distractions and kids learn better ... and it probably also removes biases - I can recollect a study that showed female teachers evidenced a generalised bias against male students and that this was evident throughout their education - male teachers did not show a similar bias against female students but were seen as equally inclusive.

I have always been impressed by the contrast between advice given on how to swat for exams and what occurs in classrooms ... 'remove distractions,' only 'white noise,' prescribed study times (when and for how long) compared with a visual cocophony of form and colour and variable and brief demands for application to work ... the latter all deemed to represent 'a learning environment of excellence.'

So there is much spurious correlation to be found between nebulous ideas and academic achievement given that those ideas incorporate a reduction in distraction from learning.

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