Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Demand Versus Schedule 'Feeding' Revisited.

a study published recently in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, and based on a Chicago University study tracking nearly 2000 children from birth to age 13.
The study's authors argue that children's behaviour as moody, difficult children followed them through to their teens.
Fussy babies were more likely to grow into tiny tyrants who ruled the roost at home and were often in trouble at school, the study said.

The study defined fussy babies as those who refused, or took a long time to feed, were hungry or tired at different times each day, were constantly demanding attention or would not sleep in the evenings and through the night.

So, what this means is that if you raise them such that they define 'what, where, how much and for how long,' this sort of self-serving hedonistic belief will persist over time and result in protest and petulance when the world doesn't revolve around them ... surprise... and this despite what
a former Karitane nurse of more than 20 years experience may think.

Unfortunately, this La Leche ethic has permeated so much of child rearing practice, so much of our education system ... indeed so much of our life and is evidenced in the behaviour of our parliamentarians, television broadcasters, rugby players, professionals ... indeed, in so much of our life.

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