Monday, November 17, 2008

When Misbehaviour Becomes A Disease.

So, if you see childrens' behaviour and personalities as self actualising phenomena, what do you get? Words like `animal', `feral' and `vermin' are used daily in reference to children ... The Barnardos survey found 54 percent of adults thought children behaved like animals, while just under half (49 percent) felt children were increasingly a danger to each other and adults.
But wait.. don't you also get aspergers, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD, ADD, ADHD) and conduct disorder - those 'life-long deviant pathways' that can only be moderated by stimulants, anti psychotic medications and anticonvulsants, those oft deemed educational drugs which come a very poor second to teaching consideration, compromise, respect, patience, turn-taking ... rule-governed behaviour??

And this offers an almost total abrogation of responsibilty for parents for parenting.

And then when just a tad older ... kids die ... but Most disturbing was that they saw this abusive behaviour as normal," Dr Kiro, Children's Commissioner, said. Yeh, right ... that is why all the children associated with these folk were treated in a similar manner ... and ultimately died! Selective, deliberate and unrelenting abuse with full awareness as to the nature and quality of the acts it would seem.

How can a 'childrens commissioner' attribute blame for such despicable behaviour to something supposedly systemic when it was so selectively delivered ... where really do her responsibilities of office rest?
She really has no conception.


ZenTiger said...

I cannot understand how the best she could do regrading Nia Glassie was comment on smacking.

No mention of a 15 year old shacking up with a 30 year old. When will the Children's Commissioner tackle the real issues?

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