Monday, June 18, 2007

Suicide Prevention

Programmes aimed at raising awareness of the indicators for suicidal intent/act have always run the very real risk of having this seen as a viable and acceptable option for life's difficulties. This has always been a danger with those from famillies where there has been a suicide and where 'counsellors' have ascribed the deceased as being in a 'better place' and endeavoured to present the person as 'concerned, caring, etc.' or describing them in other 'admirable' terms. This is of course supported by a lot of people's perceptions, including those of some professionals, that suicide runs in famillies.

"There is little evidence that didactic school-based suicide prevention programmes
are effective in reducing suicidal behaviour and there are concerns that such programmes may not be safe," says an informal New Zealand network of research workers on suicide in their report, published in the New Zealand Medical Journal.

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