Friday, June 29, 2007

What is it with our Doctors these Days??

"Keep smokers and fatties out - Doctors

Potential immigrants should be screened for obesity and smoking habits because they place such a heavy burden on health services, respiratory specialists have suggested.

Health Minister Pete Hodgson refused to comment but Immigration Minister David Cunliffe said processes were tightened in 2005 to provide more comprehensive health screening.
This was done by medical professionals - and obesity and smoking were both canvassed.
Having just one risk factor might not exclude the person from consideration, Mr Cunliffe said.
"Our approach to immigration is to weigh up a variety of factors and to balance a person's health status against the potential benefits they may bring to New Zealand."

There has also, overtime, been statements as to not treating smokers and the obese who are nz born. These people are public servants and as such these sort of statements are professional arrogance and quite simply beyond their area of expertise. I am aware, for example that smoking does indeed affect the respiratory system, it does result in cardiac problems ... but, respiratory problems and cardio pulmonary problems are increasing despite both a considerable reduction in the situations one can smoke and in the number of smokers ... a negative correlation .... why??

If such exclusive policies are pursued by medical practitioners and hospitals - is this not akin to doctors deciding who shall or shall not get treatment and killing people by omission? Is it not akin to designating a particular group as unworthy of living?? And is the lack of resources, for example the lack of a thoracic surgeon in a region, not similarly deeming a certain group to an early grave by political or hospital board dictum?
But there probably is precedent for this, I am sure these events had their genesis in similar belief, activity and personnel.

The allegation that doctors are directly involved in the latest terrorist activity in Scotland is really quite frightening - it is a direct violation of the hippocratic oath, it is an awful precedent to set in respect to self-sacrifice for belief after substantial training and attaining a status position for protecting life in the very society in which they wish to kill life... it is 'upping the ante' substantially.

But is this better or worse than what we are moving towards or already have here??

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