Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Huge Increase In Youth Bipolar Disorder Diagnoses Since 1994

In 1994 twenty-five per 100,000 people aged 19 and under were diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder in the USA. In 2004 the figure jumped to 1,003 per 100,000. The number of adults diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder during the same period almost doubled. You can read a report about this in Archives of General Psychiatry (JAMA/Archives), September issue ...
90.6% of the youths and 86.4% of the adults who were diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder were prescribed medications for bipolar disorder, including mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics and antidepressants ... and New Zealand tends to follow ... what are these people doing to our self concepts, how we see ourselves ... reframing our behaviour such that they can ensure greater dependence on them by us and greater independence for them ... after all, diagnosis is really just a 'powerful other' ascribing certain qualities to what we do, defining it as illness and throwing psychotropics or other at it to reputedly try and quell it.
... and for those of you who believe, try googling those new, new generation SSRI's (seratonin reuptake inhibitors) or norepiniphrine reuptake inhibitors and also mortality rates in the USA ... now is it that medical iatrogenic effects constitute the leading rate of deaths in the country (760,000) or the third behind cardiac and cancers at 300,000? The effects of detachment, depersonalisation, those precursors to excess towards kids and other, the increased probability of self harm/mutilation suicide/homicide ... yep, and let them try to get off this stuff ... difficult to deprive people of the treatment of choice ... unethical in fact.
... and these self same guardians of public health can scream about tobacco, fast foods and obesity ... there may just be a touch of the hypocrite here somewhere?
perhaps we are at a point where the integrity of the FDA itself is questionable??

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