Friday, February 15, 2008


Iatrogenic effects to become public. A frightening array of serious medical mishaps and preventable deaths in hospitals is due to be revealed next week.

And this is long overdue.
It will, unfortunately, just be the 'tip of the ice berg' (If you enter a public hospital you have a 15 per cent chance of suffering an adverse event.) Many 'adverse events' would self remit, would not be recorded as such, rather as complications to normal procedure. It will also, as has been stated by a Wellington doctor, push hospitals "back into the dark ages". "People will be less likely to own up when something goes wrong."

Now one would hope they would become more methodical, more careful ... that the standard of health care would improve as a result ...

And really one should be able to expect a little more than an 'all care no responsibility' adage from perhaps the most well paid professionals in society due to the trust a majority of people (mis)place in them.

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