Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cronyism and Chicanery.

Whilst there is much indeed that could be considered 'shady' concerning the Hawkes Bay Health Board, political 'connections' and 'manouverings', there is an irony concerning at least one who decries recent happenings ... the dismissal of the board (punishment for the Board’s refusal to endorse what was seen as political cronyism and chicanery and then to accept less than proper processes) ... one Lawrence Yule, the mayor of Hastings, that decrier of any (?) process that is undemocratic who can concomitantly tell those of us who want no further development of Ocean Beach that we are children.
He implies that we’re too simple-minded to comprehend all the complex “evidence” as to why the
Council must compromise core principles and signal to independent commissioners that Council is prepared to accommodate Andy Lowe (failed meat man come pillager or developer of those iconic spots).
His view — condescending at best — is that “the children” need to be educated. Leave it to Papa. The Mayor’s job, as he noted to the press last week, is to manage our expectations. (and the community has spoken loud and clear in the past several weeks, saying very emphatically: Ocean Beach is special … don’t spoil it … leave it alone)

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