Friday, August 31, 2007

In the Name of Science & Public Health?

In an area where there are so many natural sources of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, how possibly can a study focus on and claim that, 'Domestic wood burning was the major cause of air pollution in Rotorua and the poor air quality caused respiratory illnesses and 22 premature deaths a year.'

Are these people really unaware that medical research into asthma uses sulfur dioxide to engender bronchconstriction and asthmatic reactions?

If the focus is on wood burning because that can be varied, then fine, but they don't say that ... it must be presumed that the air quality monitors were placed such that they were minimally exposed to these gases and that their identification of source was very discriminating ... because otherwise the dominant pollutants (SO2 & H2S) in the area have got to be seen as contributing to the predominance of health problems in the area.
It's already known that short term exposure to high levels of hydrogen sulphide can have acute effects on people's health including fluid on the lungs, respiratory conditions and even death ... and that, Health fears prompt major sulphur study15.05.2007
Research into the long term health effects of hydrogen sulphide in Rotorua was prompted by earlier evidence linking illness with exposure to low levels of the gas.
It is to be hoped that these 'scientific' procedures are not simply a revisiting of mathematical models indicating that there will be a certain number of health problems and deaths given certain criterion levels of contaminants/pollutants are breached ... a revisiting of those populist models which have been responsible for the global warming hysteria?

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