Friday, August 3, 2007

It's A Long Road 'Till You Find The Perfect Woman Son.

Researchers are warning that it could take up to 50 years to stem New Zealand's child abuse problem.
Massey University's human development team says abused children often think violence is normal and go on to treat their own offspring in a similar manner...
and indeed they do, in so far as they learn to discriminate between private and public situations and it can become associated with sexual behaviour and as Bensen-Pope knows, enhance it ... and so the violence perpetuates privately, not accessible to moderation.
...researchers have now developed a method to identify problems within a family in an effort to bring about change ... oh yes
Professor Kirkland says that by focusing on the child's reactions rather than the parents, they can make a good assessment of what is going on in the family ...
teachers and others have known this for a long time, eons in fact ... it's called poor instructional control, poor impulse control, a withdrawal response to close social contact often with body tenseness, strong approach/avoidance behaviour, averted eye gaze - not a sign of respect at all, simpy authorities trying to conceal excess, to maintain that 'code of silence,' continue to make the excess not addressable - and parallel 'play'/provocative behaviour with minimal reasonable interaction.
This behaviour used to be adequately addressed by the education system ... it used to be possible to override this asocial/antisocial behaviour and replace it with reasonable behaviour, but now this system no longer has the ability to do this. Teachers know that in the ultimate they can be out-pointed, that they are powerless to effect change, even at times powerless to teach.

Quite simply, Kirkland is wrong ... this problem can be addressed much more quickly, after all it has taken only two generations to escalate what was there all along to the proportions we have today. Further what he is almost suggesting is greater intrusion in to families, as others before him have (Cindy Kiro) and I am sure what he is describing is a simple paper and pencil rating scale as a means of being able to do this with a sense of self-righteousness, with a sense of it being entirely warranted and proper intrusion.

But aside from the well reported victims, it is a pretty sad indictment when a maori girl can say that she wont have a relationship with a maori guy because she is too frightened of what they might do to her.

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