Sunday, October 28, 2007

Child Sexual Abuse.

Deborah Coddington states: Our women damaged, not promiscuous ... what I'd really love to see is a nationwide, co-ordinated, massive police raid of known recidivist child sex abusers. Can you imagine the outcry, though, if this were to take place? Police, especially those working in the child abuse teams, know exactly who the perverts are in every neighbourhood. They question them whenever there's a sexual assault. I would argue that the threat to the safety of New Zealanders, especially children, is far greater from sex offenders than from terrorists, but police are not allowed to breach the so-called privacy of known and suspected sex abusers. They've been forced, in the past, to pay compensation for doing so.

She continues, 'In Hawke's Bay in 1998, 654 fourth-form students (as they were then known) were surveyed by the Wellington School of Medicine and 39 per cent were having sexual intercourse. Maori girls were four times more likely than European to report having had more than five partners (we're talking 13, 14, 15-year-olds here) and three times more likely to report their first sexual intercourse occurring under age 12, with, tragically, 32 out of 258 students having had sex before they were 10.'

Quite simply, the police do not have the capability, number and resources, to do this ... like I seem to recall something like several hundred such people being known to the police or identified by the public as child sexual abusers subsequent to a child going missing ... and this within a 2k radius of the child's school.
It would appear that sexual predilection with children is far greater in number than homosexual orientation.

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