Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Judge Audrey Adjudicates ...

A short-arm upper-cut ... delivered Under severe emotional strain following the death of his father just over two weeks ago, the break-up of his marriage, and media interest in the start of a new relationship, Mallard snapped last night following goading from Henare - and thumped him.

So without the occurrence of these other events this offence would not have occurred ... Oh yes, Audrey

This was Henare's payback for Mallard's interjections in Parliament to Don Brash about Diane Foreman.

Aha ... sooo, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, tit for tat so to speak, to give as good as one takes ... noooo, that's not right, he couldn't take it, could he, he 'bopped' him, an unabashed racist attack undoubtedly as a response to racial slurs.

There are human and mitigating circumstances but they only explain what he did, they don't excuse it.

Aha, so some violence is justified albeit not excusable ... And the punishment ...

He should relinquish his sports portfolio, apologise to the House, and then take a decent break.

Violence on the job is not compatible with fair play or any of the attributes with which good sportsmanship is attributed.

So it's not a biggy, simply not fair play, Audrey?

... and this does not appear to be 'tongue in cheek' ... I think she likes him, you know in that 'care for his welfare, emotional sort of way.'

The 'fallout' from this will be interesting ... probably nothing will happen, but to say what you want in parliament with impunity is one thing, to 'bop' somebody with impunity (aside from an apology) is just raising the bar that little bit further.

Clearly this was a common assault, he should be charged for it, it is completely unacceptable ... especially in a forum that deems even slightly slapping a child for correction a criminal offence and can impose this on the majority against their will ... this act was obviously designed to suppress freedom of speech in an absolute manner. Minimising the act by Audrey, and by any others that do so, is doing an injustice to those subject to this form of excess and similarly those convicted of such.


ZenTiger said...

Helen told him to look hard in the mirror.

So should she if she does nothing about this.

Your point: especially in a forum that deems even slightly slapping a child for correction a criminal offence and can impose this on the majority against their will...

is an excellent one.

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