Sunday, October 28, 2007

Peters playing the race card - Sharples (Playing The Fool).

The New Zealand First Party is calling on Maori to join the fight against what it calls militant separatism.

The Maori Party is under fire for supporting suspects netted in police terror raids, with NZ First leader Winston Peters labelling them "militant racists" and the Government accusing the party of whipping up fear

Peters: They're marching us into apartheid ... New Zealand had groups calling for separate nations within a nation, and which were prepared to use guns and violence.
That was the result of behaviour that had been "excused, condoned, nurtured and even encouraged" over the past 20 years.

& Peters is right ... the disservice this separateness is causing to maori educational achievement is immense and probably not reparable in those so afflicted ... this can only result in more intense aggrieved separatism ... educationally 'pushed political correctness' has so much to answer for.
& perhaps we need to coin a new phrase, 'being sharpled,' = being skewered or taiaha-ed via any expediently or serendipitously available orifice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a rude to talk about Maori unemployment, crime, etc. Understandably all cultures have the concept of saving face.

I have met several Maori who I admire, it is a pity the positive features of their culture doesn't more publicity.
