Thursday, July 5, 2007

Lifestyles and Risk.

"Up to 40 pc of UK models suffer eating disorders - study."
And then there is the drugs in sports phenomenon ... all those derivatives of the historical weight loss programmes of the 1960's, but slight variations on the prescribed to children methyl phenidate, or the illegitimate crystal meth. "In general, the physical symptoms that are common among users of designer drugs include:
Hypertension, Increased heart rate, Clenched teeth ,Blurred vision, Uncontrolled tremors, Drooling,Anorexia, Nausea and vomiting Impaired speech, Total paralysis, Chills and sweating
Dehydration and heat exhaustion, Respiratory depression, Seizures, Permanent brain damage ... and Death."

And then there is my icon, that man amongst men, Sly ... trying to slip a bit of growth hormone in to the land of the ockers, these inferiority strivings fuelling the need for self enhancement .... "I just can't leave home without my anabolics," said Sly, "I sort of feel undressed." Displaying traditional patriotic collegiality, and twitching engorged biceps, in that universally recognised Cactus Kate-alluring manner, "Our athletes are totally natural," said a spokesman from the big-time wrestlers, "those 23 deaths attributed by unreliable sources to kidney dysfunction were in fact a result of the no-nonsense, serious (don't try it at home) nature of our sport.... we are cleaner than the Tour de France," he said with a most sincere glint in his eye, an unquestionable emphatic tone in his voice, "wussies dropping synthetic testosterone," he said, his voice fading, "no balls." "Here we are entirely natural," his voice resonating as if a taut, acned bass/sopranoing teenager.

And then there are the BMI defined 'fatties, kamakazes one and all.'

And long haul truck drivers ...
That the press, the wannabe re-elected and those wannabe-noticed health watch dogs want to focus on a small group, presumably because of their visibility, the perceived impact that their life-style has on our impressionable youngsters ... when they simply get old and wrinkly and have kids and very few die and ..and .. and.. mostly they look lovely ... and anyway our very own sue kedgely has the cure for this buregeoning 'want to look like an attractive to male, female.'.... and it is of course, pies, sausage rolls and fish and chips in schools, all washed down with a half pint of whole cream milk.
All in all, it just makes you want to ....

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