Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Cruel And Unnatural Torture - UN

Girl's hand stuck in sewing machine ... A 12-year-old girl learnt her sewing lessons the hard way today when a needle pierced her thumbnail only minutes before the final school bell.
One commentator, fully cognizant of the pain inflicted, empathised, "Well, I'll be darned ... that's sew terrible. Poor little bobbin."
Others feared the ramifications of an OSH intervention - none however mentioned the possibility of UN sanctions against such a potentially cruel and unusual punishment for what can only be considered a momentary lapse, a moment's distraction.
It does not appear that any counselling was offered for the resulting grave physical and mental impact.
This stuation will not be allowed to arise in New Zealand ... unquestioning acceptance of UN scripture is basic to the psyches of our leaders.


ZenTiger said...

I'd have thought OSH interfering would also be considered cruel and torturous.

Why are 12 year olds learning sewing though. Shouldn't they be in sex ed classes?

mojo said...

They are, sex role stereotyping I think it's called.