Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Haven't We Come A long Way.

Gay union attended by parliamentary colleagues ... 'given away' by the Speaker of the House, saucily poem-ed by an ex-colleague transvestite and serenaded by music and song especially composed by a Maori activist ... we really have become an all embracing society and it is our parliamentarians leading the way in this unqualified acceptance of these previously deemed deviant and antisocial minority groups.

But then New Zealand Denies Immigration to U.K. Wife Because She's Too Fat ... British citizens Rowan Trezise, 33, and Richie Trezise, 35, are living apart as she tries desperately to shed the pounds needed to comply with New Zealand guidelines that immigrants maintain a healthy BMI, or body mass index ... NZ, Land of the food nazis.

But then, perhaps a 'line does have to be drawn somewhere ...'


ZenTiger said...

Seems you have an extra "http" in the above links.

I was wondering what her BMI actually was? Hubby managed to lose 2 inches off the waist to pass muster, so she may not be as large as the pictured young lady with donuts for two.

And surely, once the couple arrived and discovered that NZ is 90% mountain, they'd be shedding the kilos just from walking to work. We could make it a condition of immigration that they live in Wellington for at least the first 12 months, and not be able to buy a car.

Problem solved?

ZenTiger said...
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mojo said...

Or Zen, they could join one of these education promulgated 'walk trains.'
& the 'lower pic' (as in tone as well) is entirely 'poetic licence,' entirely unrelated, but depicts self indulgent contentment so really quite fitting ... but the changes we have experienced over the last 30 years are quite amazing. The above mentioned 'sexual deviates' used to self refer for 'treatment' way back then, now they're front page news and 'publicly celebrated,' well perhaps so.

ZenTiger said...
