Sunday, November 25, 2007

Greenhouse Gases Spiked in 2006

(GENEVA)— Two of the most important Greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere reached a record high in 2006, and measurements show that one — carbon dioxide — is playing an increasingly important role in global warming, the U.N. weather agency said Friday ... Methane, the third of the three important greenhouse gases, remained stable between 2005 and 2006 ... CO2 contributed 87 percent to the warming effect over the last decade, but in the last five years alone, its contribution was 91 percent ... This shows that CO2 is gaining importance as a greenhouse gas.

Now if the basis for global warming (the Gore hockey stick) is largely a bristlecone pine tree- ring American phenomenon (if the bristlecone cores are removed the other proxies do not indicate the same results and it seems there is probably little correlation between cores taken from the same trees), then, the jury is well and truly out on whether or not such warming has even occurred so how can you attribute specific variables as causative of this nebulous phenomenon.
These latest claims are simply unmeasurable in the generalised sense claimed .. but this is not sufficient to deter doomsdayers' prophecies..

The World Meteorological Organization also concluded that "Greenhouse gases are major drivers of global warming and climate change."
The World Meteorological Organization said it based its findings on readings from 44 countries.
The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecast that by 2020, 75 million to 250 million people in Africa will suffer water shortages, residents of Asia's large cities will be at great risk of river and coastal flooding, Europeans can expect extensive species loss, and North Americans will experience longer and hotter heat waves and greater competition for water.

But then claiming a measure has 'spiked' perhaps is indicating a change in attack ... perhaps these people are aware that their claims are spuriously based and so by claiming a 'spike' they can subsequently claim that 'global warming,' like the ozone hole, is soooo sensitive to these gases that their endeavours to reduce emissions has had an immediate effect.

Personally I think the careers of these people should be 'on the line' over this contrived 'scientifically-based' scaremongering.

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